It’s become a BPCC tradition to hold the annual Back to School, Back to Work business networking, at the Mamaison Hotel Le Regina Warsaw. Organised together with our partners Savills and the British Primary School of Wilanów, the event marks the end of the summer holidays, the beginning of the school year, and for business, the start of the busiest time of year – the 14 weeks of intense activity between early September and mid-December, when things finally start to wind down for Christmas. [It is said that 40% of all the year’s work is crammed into this period!]

So this annual event is a chance to catch up on with what’s going on, meet up with old friends, make new contacts and share holiday anecdotes over a glass of wine – and discuss the issues that will shape the business agenda for the coming months. This year, that will include the parliamentary elections, to be held on Sunday 15 October.

The mixer was opened by the BPCC’s CEO, Paweł Siwecki, with Kamil Kowa, board member, and head of corporate finance & valuation at Savills – and fittingly for the ‘back to school’ character of the event – Tom McGrath, principle of the British Primary School of Wilanów. The school is currently doubling in size, and with a full complement of pupils at the start of this academic year, it is gearing up to accept 550 pupils next September by when the construction work will be complete.

Out thank to Mamaison Hotel La Regina for their great hospitality, and for ensuring perfect late-summer weather, and to Dobre Wina for some memorable and outstanding wines.




  • British Polish Chamber of Commerce

    Since 1992, the British-Polish Chamber of Commerce has been working on behalf of its member companies in two areas - business development and the business environment. By offering extensive networking opportunities - at events and through its digital media - the BPCC helps to connect companies for mutual tangible benefits. The BPCC is the first point of contact for all investors who see Poland as a convenient location to start an investment.