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3 °C
Wind: 10 KPH
Humidity: 87 %
Feels like: 1 °C

Cyber safety. What we all should be aware of but are not.
Hourly Schedule
- 9.30 - 10.00
- Registration and welcome coffee
- 10.00 - 10.05
- Official opening
- 10.05 - 10.50
- Cybersecurity in 2024. What European business needs to know
- Leszek Tasiemski
VP, Product Management
It's a truism to say that cybersecurity threats are evolving. However, today, we face unseen challenges.
Along with the evolution of traditional crime groups, we now witness an unprecedented geopolitical situation. For the first time, such tensions worldwide happen in such an interconnected and technologically advanced environment.
This has and will have severe consequences on the cybersecurity landscape. On top of that, we are seeing leap-growth of technology with the adoption of Generative AI (LLMs), also as a tool for attack. Breakthroughs happen, but the last one of such significance was the introduction of the Internet. We will spare you technical details and focus on what business leaders NEED TO KNOW to stay secure.
- 10.50 - 11.35
- Cyberviolence causes real pain. Stories from the people on the frontline
- Marzena Tasiemska
Psychologist, psychotherapist
Fundacja Czas Kobiet
Cyberviolence is a new space and set of methods for causing harm, bullying, violating privacy and spying. It happens at schools, in families, in intimate relationships. It affects all age groups and all social circles. In this session, you will hear from people working with victims of such behaviors on regular basis. You will hear both about the technological and psychological side of the problem. You will also hear what we can and should do about it.
- 11.35 - 12.00
- Networking