

Kancelaria prawna GESSEL


Crowne Plaza Warsaw - The HUB
rondo Daszyńskiego 2, Warsaw, Poland

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23 - 24 maj 2024


09:00 - 19:30


492.00 €

Prawo 7th edition of the “Dispute Resolution in M&A Transactions” conference


Register for “Dispute Resolution in M&A Transactions” –  the international conference organised by ICC Polska, ICC International Court of Arbitration and GESSEL Attorneys-at-law. What is already the seventh iteration of this event will be held on 23-24 May 2024 at Crowne Plaza in Warsaw, Poland.

“Dispute Resolution in M&A Transactions” is a prestigious event focusing on arbitration issues in the context of merger and acquisition transactions. Its successive editions attract global authorities, who debate current trends and practical aspects in this field.

The event is addressed to arbitrators, counsel (especially those whose practices are concentrated on ADR and M&A), in-house lawyers, and consultants of various specialisations who advise on M&A transactions. The organisers will be happy to oblige those attorneys and advocates who require certificates of participation.

This year’s sessions will touch upon:

  • New hot topics in M&A arbitration
  • Dialogue between counsel on legal nature of M&A award
  • The paradigm of arbitration – in conversation with Yves Derains
  • The independence and impartiality of party-appointed experts in M&A disputes
  • M&A Arbitration in wartime (Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa)
  • Case studies presented by Clifford Chance, Dentons, Howden

Event is supported by Grand Partners: Dentons, Howden and Clifford Chance and many organizations: Arbitration Association of Central and Eastern Europe, Polish Private Equity and Venture Capital Association, Court of Arbitration Lewiatan, Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce, SCC Arbitration Insitute, VIAC, Polish Arbitration Association, German Arbitration Institude, World Arbitration Update, ICC Albania, ICC German, ICC Croatia, ICC Estonia, ICC Slovakia, ICC Ukraine, TDM-media.


The conference will be held in English. A certificate of attendance is available from the organisers on request.

All details and a registration functionality are available on the conference site and on LinkedIn