International law firm Clifford Chance advised the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Santander Bank Polska S.A. on a syndicated financing in the total amount of up to PLN 205 million granted to Benefit Systems S.A. The proceeds will be used for investment expenditures related to organic growth, development of the MultiLife platform, acquisitions, eco-friendly investments, refinancing of the company’s existing indebtedness in the form of bank loans in Poland, and for general corporate purposes of Benefit Systems’ capital group.

Benefit Systems is a Warsaw-listed company offering innovative employee benefits programs, including cards which provide access to multiple sports facilities in approximately 650 cities and towns across Poland.

The team advising on the transaction included: Andrzej Stosio (Partner), Jared Grubb (Partner), Anna Miernik (Senior Associate), Wojciech Wątor (Associate), Zuzanna Bartczak (Associate), Genevieve Wohlfeil (Associate) and Aleksandra Sierac.