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Executive Note
British Polish Chamber of Commerce | Mar 6, 2024, 16:34
By Aneta Jóźwicka, BPCC Chairwoman and Paweł Siwecki, BPCC CEO
Dear Members and Readers,
The first two months of 2024 passed very quickly – time passes quickly when you’re busy! Here at the BPCC, we started the year with our traditional CEO Breakfast, with Prof Witold Orłowski outlining how Poland’s economy is likely to fare in 2024. This year’s economic forecasts are much better for Poland than last year’s performance, with GDP growth projected to be around 3-4 % but with inflation likely to tick up again to around 5% across the year. Private consumption and public investment will be driven by stronger consumer confidence and by unblocked EU Resilience and Recovery Facility funds. The panel of experts who joined Prof Orłowski also voiced optimistic views on macroeconomics, and stressed the need for business-to-government dialogue on urgent regulatory issues. The note of optimism was shared at the first Real Estate & Construction Breakfast of the year, where voices from across the sector spoke of a strong bounce-back in Q3 and Q4, though growth would be unevenly distributed across sub-sectors and regions.
In February we launched our 2024 membership survey that would give us much needed feedback on our work as well as your preferences in terms of events or regulatory initiatives. Our survey has become an annual initiative; you can expect further editions in future. Your voice is essential for the assessment of our activities and products; we carefully analyse the data and appropriate action will be taken afterwards. Please expect an executive summary of the survey in your inbox.
On 6 March we held a very successful Female Entrepreneurship Forum coinciding with International Women’s Day, and there will be more lead events in the coming months that we’d like to focus your attention on. For the first time, we will be launching an HR & Talent Trends Forum (27 March) that will become an annual event for HR professionals. We’ll look be looking at the HR function from the employer branding perspective and talent acquisition, alongside all the latest trends that impact human resources. On 18 April, we will focus on real estate market in Poznań from the ESG perspective. We will continue with the subject of ESG in Warsaw with the spring meeting of ESG professionals (date to be confirmed), to discuss the new non-financial reporting obligations on companies that were introduced in January. There are of course a great many other events, live and online, that you can take part in and benefit from; please follow all our events published in our Events Newsletter or share its content with your colleagues, or anyone else who may be interested in participating.
We look forward to seeing you at the BPCC events across our regions!