Media partner


British Embassy Warsaw
iPro VR


British Embassy Warsaw
Kawalerii 12, Warsaw, Poland


Częściowe zachmurzenie
Częściowe zachmurzenie
3 °C
Wiatr: 8 Km/H
Wilgotność: 87 %
Odczuwalna: 1 °C

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15 marca 2023


14:00 - 17:30



Media partner L&D in 2023: What matters

The British Embassy in Warsaw and IPro Sp. z o.o., the leading Polish e-learning technology company, invite you cordially to a seminar on “’L&D in 2023: What matters”. The event will take place on 15th March 2023 at 14:00-17:30 at the British Embassy in Warsaw at 12, Kawalerii street.

L&D plays a key role in attracting, retaining and engaging talent to drive business growth. With the global changes, 2023 is already bringing new exciting opportunities, but also challenges.

Our seminar creates a platform for discussion about the current trends, including VR and AI, as well as challenges and future possibilities in L&D. It will also be an excellent opportunity to share with you the key findings of this year’s Global Sentiment Survey “What is HOT in L&D 2023”, compiled by Donald Taylor, a recognised commentator and thinker in the fields of workplace learning and supporting technologies and to test VR experience for learning purposes.

You are most welcome to attend the event in person. However, if you are unable to travel to Warsaw, there will be live streaming provided of the sessions and you can join us online. Please register your online attendance here at Link 

We will share with you the agenda of the seminar shortly and we look forward to seeing you at the event.

Please contact the Organizer at: if interested in attendance.



14.00 - 14.05
Official opening by Warsaw British Embassy
Lech Kaczanowski, Country Director, Trade & Investment at British Embassy Warsaw
14.05 - 14.45
Presentation of “What is Hot in L&D 2023” report
Donald Taylor, Chair at Learning Technologies Conference
14.45 - 15.00
Coffee break
tea, coffee, water and biscuits
15.00 - 15.15
VR - immersive learning: effective technology at the service of HR
Marta Machalska, Digital Learning Strategist, Chief Operational Officer, iPro; Anna Markiewcz, VP People at Goelett
15.15 - 15.35
Promise of generative AI for L&D
Kacper Idzikowski, Vice President of Artificial Intelligence Learning Capabilities at Pearson
15.35 - 16.30
HR and L&D Panel Discussion including Q&A
16.30 - 17.30
Networking and VR experience
on demand for interested delegates