

Bird & Bird


Bird & Bird
Marszałkowska 107, Warsaw, Poland


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24 listopada 2023


09:30 - 15:00



Prawo Antitrust in the Digital Age


Bird & Bird Poland, the Polish Competition Law Association and the Global Antitrust Institute associated with George Mason University wish to invite you to attend an international conference on the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the Digital Services Act (DSA).

These acts regulate the provision of digital services in the internal market, alter the traditional enforcement of antitrust rules and protect the rights of Internet users.

These ambitious regulations, which are not limited to the European Union, will also affect global players established in the United States or China. Saskia King (Bird & Bird) will also share her insights on the UK’s approach.

Our conference will address the impact of these developments on global competition law, fair competition across platforms, and market power abuse prevention in the digital space.

Besides policy goals, we will delve into compliance initiatives and how significant the costs are for enterprises (in comparison with GDPR regulatory costs). The practitioners on our third panel will discuss possible compliance actions, the powers to conduct unannounced dawn raids, and the ways of challenging adverse measures through judicial review.

A group of distinguished academics and practitioners will discuss the DMA and the DSA, including Christian Bergquist (University of Copenhagen), John Yun (George Mason University), Przemysław Ostojski (Warsaw Justice Academy), Marek Martyniszyn (Queens University of Belfast), Thomas Höppner (Hausfeld), Paweł Lipski (Bird & Bird), Saskia King (Bird & Bird), and others.

Who should attend?

We invite representatives of gatekeepers, internet service providers, email providers, online retailers, video streaming, social media platforms, search engines, online advertising companies, and cloud computing services.

We also encourage the participation of fellow academics and legal and compliance department representatives who are faced with ensuring daily compliance of their organisations.

Practitioners interested in the impact of the DMA and DSA are also warmly welcome to attend the conference.




9.00 - 9.30
for onsite participants only
9.30 - 9.35
Welcome remarks
Sławomir Szepietowski, Partner, Bird & Bird (Warsaw)
9.35 - 10.00
Why digital platforms stand out from other sectors?
Prof. Przemysław Ostojski, Warsaw Justice Academy
10.00 - 10.30
Keynote speech
Prof. Marek Martyniszyn, Queen’s University Belfast
10.30 - 11.30
PANEL ONE: DMA – Enforcement Revolution or Victory of Regulatory Measures over Antitrust?
Chair: Prof. Christian Bergquist, University of Copenhagen
• Prof. Thomas Höppner, Hausfeld (Berlin)
• Dr. Saskia King, Legal Director, Bird & Bird (London)
11.30 - 12.00
Coffee break
12.00 - 13.30
PANEL TWO: The Early Verdict on the effect of the DMA
Chair: Prof. John Yun, George Mason University
• Prof. Thomas Höppner, Hausfeld (Berlin)
• Dr. Philip Hanspach, OECD, European University Institute (Florence)
• Dr. Hanna Stakheyeva, Bogazici University (Istanbul)
13.30 - 14.55
PANEL THREE: Practitioners’ table: DSA Compliance, Inspections, and Judicial Review
Chair: Prof. Oles Andriychuk, Newcastle University
• Krishna Sood, Assistant General Counsel, Microsoft
• Paweł Lipski, Partner, Bird & Bird (Warsaw)
• Marcin Alberski, Senior Associate, Bird & Bird (Warsaw)
14.55 - 15.00
Closing remarks