- The new material is a favourable alternative to traditional fillers based on fine quartz powders.
- LDE Filler contains less than 0.04% respirable dust, which is 25 times less than the minimum threshold of 1% for traditional fillers available on the market.
- The use of this innovative technology means i.a. lower risk of construction workers developing silicosis or other lung diseases related to air pollution.
Warsaw, 10 January 2023 – The Flowcrete brand, a leading expert in resin floors, introduces a new, innovative building material – LDE Filler, which is a beneficial alternative to the commonly used traditional fillers based on fine quartz flours. This filler can be used in all Flowcrete’s quick-setting flooring systems based on MMA (methacrylic) and PUMMA (hybrid technology combining the advantages of polyurethane and methacrylic resins), including Flowfast and Deckshield Rapide.
LDE Filler contains less than 0.04% respirable dust, which is 25 times less than the minimum threshold of 1% for traditional fillers available on the market. This means a higher level of safety and more comfortable work, as well as a lower risk of construction workers developing silicosis or other lung diseases related to air pollution.
Silicosis is a lung disease caused by inhalation of silicon dust, i.e. crystalline silica (silicon dioxide SiO2). Dust particles accumulate in the lungs, causing inflammation and the growth of fibrous tissue, resulting in respiratory failure. Crystalline silica, which causes silicosis, is a metal oxide that occurs naturally in nature, including in sand, rocks or soil. This compound is present in many industrial sectors, including construction, in materials such as cement, concrete, ceramics, brick, stone, rock and abrasives, and is released in the form of dust when they are cut, sanded or polished.
To prevent exposure of workers in the construction sector to silicon dust, controls of the dust level in the workplace are made and measures are taken to reduce it. They include e.g. training in the use of personal protective equipment (e.g. masks), the use of special abrasive blasting materials and the wetting of surfaces before cleaning them. The choice of innovative construction materials, such as LDE Filler, used in Flowcrete’s quick-setting resin floors, can also contribute to the prevention of silicosis and other lung diseases among those employed in the construction industry.
The new LDE Filler brings measurable benefits not only to the health of construction workers but also to the natural environment. Because much less respirable dust is generated during its use than in the case of traditional fillers, it is possible to reduce direct contamination of the environment, as well as lower water and energy consumption used to remove dust residues generated on the construction site.