Media partner


DWF Poland
British Embassy Warsaw


British Embassy Warsaw
Kawalerii 12, Warsaw, Poland


Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
3 °C
Wind: 13 KPH
Humidity: 87 %
Feels like: 0 °C


31 January 2023


16:00 - 19:00



Media partner Winning Public Procurement in Poland

DWF Poland together with the British Embassy in Warsaw invite you cordialy to the public procurement seminar.

DWF and British Embassy has prepared a detailed brochure which contains a detailed guideline for British investors on how to win and execute public contracts in Poland. Despite the fact that the that Great Britain has left the European Union, the Polish public contracts market is fully open to UK companies seeking opportunities in the CEE.

Poland, as the biggest CEE country with a expanding economy, is a very reliable public market creating multiple opportunities and being a gateway to the CEE. Nevertheless, as the EU is a competitive market, many EU companies compete for contracts in the CEE, including Poland. Thus, it is vital, when considering competing for public contracts in Poland, to be aware and strictly comply with Polish public procurement law requirements, in order not to loose the opportunity at the beginning, without even having the opportunity to be evaluated.

DWF Poland has assisted multiple UK and other foreign contractors in successfully pursuing public contracts in Poland for over 20 years, being recognized by international rankings as one of the leading law firms in this field.

The Brochure being presented at the seminar contains a business oriented summary of their experience which should help every manager considering entering the Polish public contracts market.

Hourly Schedule


16.00 - 16.15
Opening Speech
Mr James Hughes, Minister-Counsellor at British Embassy
Dr Piotr Kunicki, Partner, Head of Public Procurement & Government Contracts at DWF
16.15 - 17.00
Polish public procurement market from the bidders perspective – how to prepare a successful tender and avoid typical mistakes
17.00 - 17.45
Panel discussion: Resent changes in public contract opportunities in Poland; lessons learned by UK contractors in Poland
Ms Dominika Żelazek, Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Affairs Officer & Management Board Member, Arriva
Mr Marcin Kasprzak, Senior Manager / Office Lead, Jacobs
Mr Mirosław Chabin, Special Sales Director, Paramedica Polska
Moderator: Dr Piotr Kunicki, Partner, Public procurement & Government Contracts, DWF
17.45 - 18.00
18.00 - 19.00
Reception / networking