Real estate


British Polish Chamber of Commerce
Bonarka for business


Trinity One
Domaniewska 52, Warsaw, Poland


Light rain
Light rain
3 °C
Wind: 14 KPH
Humidity: 81 %
Feels like: -0 °C


01 February 2024


09:30 - 11:30



Real estate Real Estate & Construction Breakfast

The first meeting of the BPCC’s Real Estate & Construction working group in 2024 will be held in the Trinity One building (Domaniewska 52, Warsaw) that is the part of the portfolio of Revetas Capital, of which Bonarka for Business is also a part. After a welcome and introduction from the hosts, we will move on to the round-table part of the meeting in which participants will describe the current state of Polish real estate and construction market as they currently experience it. Participants will be able to hear from each other about how they see investment flows and inbound FDI; what sectors are of greatest interest to investment funds and developers; how leases are shaping up, vacancy rates and yields; building materials – their prices and availability; the labour market in construction, and the big macro trends. From this open discussion, we will determine topics for further discussion by the group.

We invite architects, asset managers, building-material producers, contractors, developers, property lawyers and real-estate advisors to take part and exchange experiences from across the market. The meeting is held under the Chatham House rule to encourage open sharing of insights,

The Real Estate & Construction group is one of the BPCC’s most active groups, and the round-table meetings are held quarterly to map out topics of interest for future substantive events. There will be time for networking after the round-table discussion.

Hourly Schedule


09.30 - 10.00
networking over coffee
10.00 - 10.20
Introduction and welcome
Michael Dembinski, chief advisor, BPCC, and representatives of Revetas Capital
10.20 - 11.00
Round-table discussion
state of trade, market sentiment, trends for 2024
11.00 - 11.30
exchanging business cards