Media partner


IT Poland Technology Cluster


IT Poland Technology Cluster headquarters
Plac Konesera 12, Warsaw, Poland


Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
3 °C
Wind: 13 KPH
Humidity: 87 %
Feels like: -0 °C


29 August 2023


10:00 - 12:00



Media partner LET’S TAX Tax reliefs and incentives

In the current economic climate, entrepreneurs are increasingly interested in all available opportunities to take advantage of savings and reliefs.

Many new solutions of this nature have been brought by the Polish Deal, such as the relief for robotization or the relief for expansion. Moreover, some already existing mechanisms have become more easily achievable or attractive, as exemplified by the so-called Estonian CIT.

On the other hand, taxpayers who want to take advantage of a particular relief very often have to meet a number of not easy formal requirements. In addition, this should be superimposed on the meticulous approach of the authorities verifying the correctness of the use of the relief mechanism.

  • Which relief is for you and what conditions do you need to meet to take advantage of it?
  • How much will you gain from a given relief in different variants?

We would like to invite you to an event in the LET’S TAX series, organized by IT Poland Technology Cluster, which will be hosted by Dariusz Fistek, manager, tax advisor at MDDP.

During the meeting, our expert will focus on the following issues:

  • Tax relief for research and development (R&D);
  • Polish Investment Zone;
  • Tax relief for expansion;
  • Tax relief for robotization;

The event is dedicated to companies:

  • startup,
  • IT,
  • Hightech

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact –