A creating a business-friendly legal environment and ensuring a fair legislative process were the main topics discussed during a meeting of representatives of the BPCC Public Affairs Group with the secretary of state in the Ministry of Justice, Arkadiusz Myrcha, and representatives of the Department of Economic Law – head of department, Emil Szczepanik and Karolina Rokicka. This meeting, which took place on 13 March 2024, was the first in a series of meetings with representatives of the government administration. This is another step in implementing the BPCC’s strategy of increased activity and dialogue on regulatory issues.

During the meeting, we had the opportunity to learn about the Ministry’s priorities in the area of business regulation and the ongoing legislative process in this area. The most urgent tasks include the area of the rule of law and the implementation of those EU Directives which should have been transposed into national law by now. There are also plans to amend the law on restructuring, the law on family foundations, the law on the introduction of electronic court proceedings and the commercial code.

Aneta Jóźwicka, president of the BPCC Board, presented the Chamber’s proposals for improving the legislative process. In addition to broad consultation, these include ensuring a sufficiently long grace period (vacatio legis), allowing stakeholders to prepare for a given regulation and assessing the impact of the introduction of a given regulation. It is also important to ensure that the law is predictable, which creates an investment-friendly environment.

The representatives of the entities in the Public Affairs Group then highlighted the areas that seemed problematic from the perspective of the sectors they represent.

We would like to thank the secretary of state and the representatives of the Department of Economic Law for their openness to engage in dialogue with employers’ organisations, for the constructive discussion, and for giving us the space to present the concerns of British businesses present in Poland.

We look forward to working together in a new spirit of openness with a government which appreciates that transparent cooperation with business promotes economic development.

Photos courtesy of the Ministry of Justice


  • British Polish Chamber of Commerce

    Since 1992, the British-Polish Chamber of Commerce has been working on behalf of its member companies in two areas - business development and the business environment. By offering extensive networking opportunities - at events and through its digital media - the BPCC helps to connect companies for mutual tangible benefits. The BPCC is the first point of contact for all investors who see Poland as a convenient location to start an investment.